The Property Market - 2020 - Where to Live.

As technology and communication constantly improve the opportunity to live almost anywhere becomes a choice and not just a dream.  But too much choice makes decisions harder.

Country  life watching the evolving seasons emerge , coastal life embracing waterside sports or maybe the ultimate penthouse in the city.

 Daily life’s requirement will dictate practicality - schooling, medical needs, affordability and long -term ambitions.  Life constantly changes and generally goes in ten-year phases.   Planning a forever house may not be a practicality and as we are constantly looking to improve then change may be no bad thing. 

We have learnt we can connect with friends and family so much easier-albeit remotely so distances are perhaps not the barrier they used to be.

 The dream of a new life in a different environment may of course not be the reality. Will a real town person cope with no close access to a nearby takeaway latte? Will a country person adapt to not waking up to the dawn chorus? Can the lure of the sea really be replaced with views of trees and fields or city parks?

 Moving house is a serious task. Moving areas is a brave journey. It’s too big a project to get wrong so objective professional advice will pay dividends -engaging the services of a property buying agent won’t give all the answers but will significantly reduce the stress and give answers to many questions -such as “what exactly are off market properties?”


 Nigel Bishop    Recoco Property Search







The Property Market - Virtual Viewing