
The Town

When it comes to typically English timeless locations in the heart of the countryside, our property search company can tell you the tiny Lancashire village of Downham in the Ribble Valley is known for its picturesque rural location. For any property buyer who’d like more detailed directions, our Recoco property finder will confirm Downham lies about 30 miles north of Manchester and around 3 miles from Clitheroe. Wondering about the current population of Downham? Our real estate buyers agent can confirm it’s under 200; with neighbouring Twiston, the population is under 400. Our property buying agent can confirm most of the parish lies in the Forest of Bowland Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.

Downham consists of just thirty-two pristine cottages: one group lies just below Downham Hall. Our Recoco buying agent can point out the rest, clustered around the village stream and main street. None of the cottages are privately owned; all belong to the estate and all inhabitants are tenants.



The village is just off the A59 Clitheroe to Skipton road; junction 13 of the M56 motorway is just under 6 miles away. Ask our property search company about Clitheroe, the nearest railway station; Whalley is the nearest bus station. The closest airport is Manchester, about an hour away by road, as your Recoco buying agent can tell you.



If you’re a property buyer who enjoys a little history with your property search, the village is around a thousand years old. Early records mention Aufray the Saxon (Alfred in modern terms), suggesting a settled community when the Normans arrived, although the village is not mentioned in the Domesday Book.

The manor was granted to the de Dinelay family in the 14th century; our Recoco buying agent can confirm the village has been in the care of the Assheton family since the 16th century. The tower of St Leonard’s Church, at the top of the village, dates from the 15th century, and our Recoco property finder can explain the remainder of the church was built in 1910.

The 17th-century witch trials have strong associations with the area. For more details of this historical background to your property search, ask your real estate buyers agent. Ten women were hanged for a series of alleged murders; one reputed witch, Alice Nutter, was thought to be in hiding in Downham Hall while wanted for trial in Lancaster. One suggestion is that Alice’s real crime was threefold: she was a spinster, a vegetarian, and owned a black cat.



Our property search company can also provide information about local schools, including Downham Pre School; primary and secondary schools are in nearby Chatburn, about a mile away. There is a Royal Grammar School in Clitheroe, and buyers agents can confirm nearby independent schools include Moorland School in Clitheroe, Oakhill School and Nursery in Whalley, and Westholme School in Blackburn.


Leisure and Events

It will be clear to a property buyer that Downham, in some ways, is frozen in time. The current squire, the 2nd Lord Clitheroe, is keen to preserve this aspect. The Assheton Arms is both a pub and a restaurant, and the village also has its own post office. The village hall is often used for celebrations and parties. 

Our real estate buyers agent may mention the appeal of the stunning local countryside for walkers, artists, writers, and photographers – ask our property buying agent for recommendations.


Celebrity Connections 

With no overhead aerials, electricity lines, or satellite dishes in the village, Downham itself is possibly one of the most discreet celebrities you’ll ever see on screen. Unchanged in appearance since the 1950s (apart from the cars), our property buying agent can tell you the village has often been used as a film set. Ask your buyers agents for details of the various period dramas filmed here, including Whistle Down the Wind, Born and Bred, and The Secret of Crickley Hall.


Foodies’ Corner

Apart from the Assheton Arms and the Downham Ice Cream shop, most local eateries are a short distance away. Chatburn’s Brown Cow offers a hearty repast, or Greendale View Kitchen serves tea and scones. Our Recoco property finder may also suggest a trip to Clitheroe, just over 3 miles away; buyers agents will be able to provide more information.


Fun Fact

At the entrance to Downham Hall, a large stone is said to mark the last resting place of two Roman soldiers who died in a nearby skirmish with the Brigante tribe.



