The Great Outdoors

GARDENS:  the setting for many a property-  the outside space for children to play, for family bar-b-ques, for building snowmen, for the creative to express their imagination and style in a practical way, for that quiet glass of Sauvignon Blanc watching the sun set – Gardens - they are whatever you want them to be.

Gardens come in all shapes and sizes and can be equally rewarding -from those that love to nurture growing vegetables from seed to plate -there is nothing better than picking fresh salad from the garden -to those that prefer sweeping lawns and ride on mowers! From patio to parkland it is a place that defines the owners and creates the setting for a property. So often the first impression when looking at a house is the setting -the outside space -the garden. It is an integral part of the value of any house and so often overlooked when people come to sell.

As lives evolve, our needs change - children need open space to play, to kick a ball whilst in older years there is more time to create beautiful herbaceous borders -to visit National Gardens for inspiration -something Devon offers in abundance. For the really serious a visit to The Chelsea Flower Show will stimulate delusions of grandeur and maybe the impossible in a humble town garden but fun to visit nevertheless.

The parklands of the Grand Estates of a bygone age were often created by their owners travelling the world and bringing home rare plants and trees. We enjoy the benefits today in the many country estates open to the public -so from Capability Brown parklands created by world travel in a bygone era we have only to visit the many garden centres around the county to find amazing varieties of plants, equipment and now every household item you may need, often linking with a tea room or restaurant!

So, where are the houses with those great gardens we can buy? Netherton House at Buckland Monachorum (Jackson Stops 01392 21422 and Mansbridge Balment 01822 855055) a classic Georgian era house where a beautiful house is set off by its gardens and grounds.  Stags in Exeter (01392 255202) are selling Metcombe Brake in East Devon where mature trees and rhododendron and azalea walks create vistas of the house. For the enthusiastic and ambitious Savills (01392 455700) are selling Sherwood at Newton St. Cyres with 24 acres of woodland gardens. But not all gardens need to be that big -as much pleasure can be found in a cottage garden.  Carpenters Cottage at Knowle near Crediton ( Drew Pearce 01392 201748), its garden being the classic cottage garden with an abundance of flowers and shrubs and a little pathway leading to the cottage.

So again, a great choice of gardens and lifestyle where home is at the heart of the decision: “It’s all about coming home.

Nigel Bishop

Founder & Managing Director of Recoco Property Search


Messing About in Boats

